Have you ever had a conversation with a mentor, coach or friend that was going really well, until they say something that instantly pierces through your whole being and you realize you’ve been discovered? Discovered for what? You don’t know. But you do know you need to go home and rethink your whole perspective on…

Strengthening character: working on being magnanimous
Once you’re aware of the leader character framework, you can begin to develop your character by picking one of the 11 dimensions, or a single element within it, and start working on it. This article takes a closer look at the dimension of Humanity. I consider myself a pretty human person. In fact, people tell…

Character: It’s the missing piece of the leadership conversation
I’ve been a student of leadership for a while now. It started with Simon Sinek and his numerous talks about leadership. He talked about how great leaders make you feel inspired. How they make you feel safe. And then Brené Brown took her work with Daring Greatly and Rising Strong, and applied it to leadership…