I’ve been noticing something as I’ve been talking to different people about making a significant change in their lives. At some point, as we’re talking away, and they’re telling me their life story, or generally how they got to where they are now, I end up asking “Have you been journaling?” and the typical reaction…
Category: Blog

When your inner demons beat you down, you get back up
So here’s the thing: I’m human. For some strange reason, I’ve let every excuse in the book prevent me from writing and posting articles for the last couple of months. Work is busy. I can’t write on the weeks I’ve got my daughter. I don’t know what to write. I have to work on my…

Little moments of happiness: A free home cooked meal
There I was, about a week ago, sitting at my desk at work, while my family ironically spent Family Day together, without me. In my town, Family Day is a statutory holiday that everyone in my province gets off, except for federal government employees… and I live in the Capital… where the largest employer is…