Lately I’ve been doing lots of reading and thinking, and I’ve had all these words and thoughts swimming around in my head, and it reminded me of the importance of writing stuff down. Sometimes, amidst the confusion, the best thing to do is slow down, and go back to the basics. I was reading an…

What makes perpetually happy people so special?
Do you know someone who always seems to be in a good mood? Or worse, even when they go through something difficult, they’re unnaturally optimistic? Ever wonder what makes them so special? What makes them so different than the rest of the population? I was watching a Ted Talk by Martin Seligman, the so-called father…

Anything is possible if you are relentless in your belief
Have you ever wanted something so badly, that you just couldn’t accept that getting it was impossible? Ever craved something so delicious that no matter how many people told you that you were crazy for wanting it, the idea of not having it just felt wrong on every level of your being?