The last 3 weeks have been challenging for me. It started with 2 back-to-back deaths in my family, then a stomach flu followed closely by a cold. All that happened within 7 days. Talk about your abrupt skydive in energy levels. Prior to leaving for the funerals, I thought I’d be fine; I thought my…

It’s ok to fall… what’s important is to get back up
On the journey to bettering myself and my life, I am finding that the ups and downs seem to be more pronounced. It’s as if now that I’m “awake”, aware of the nature of my thoughts, words and actions, and aware of (or noticing) what they create into my reality, everything is becoming more obvious…

Dare to follow your passion
You know, I started this blog as part of a challenge. It was a super fun exercise. And now that it’s completed, I find that I have to really work to keep the momentum of it going. I have to remember, day in and day out, what I’m doing, and why I’m doing it. And…