You laughed when you saw that meme didn’t you? Good! It made me laugh too. Sometimes, I think we need to take a break from the work we are doing to better ourselves and our lives, and just let ourselves be silly. You know how I keep telling you to not be so hard on…

How introspection makes everything flow
I find myself struggling to find inspiration this week. I can sit here and conjure up all sorts of excuses and blame all sorts of people and situations, but I know that I create my own reality. If I am struggling, it’s because I’m being sloppy in my thinking and not applying my focus on…

You have control over everything that happens to you
Are you feeling stuck, frustrated or even angry with a person or situation in your life? Would you like that to change… right now? I’m not kidding. It can begin to change RIGHT NOW. Don’t believe me? Let me explain and then show you. First, let’s talk a little bit about the Law of Attraction….