So here I’ve been, flying high for the last couple of weeks, enjoying life, starting a blog and having a great time writing, moving along well with the process of going back to school… doing really good. And then, today, I lose my phone.

Enjoy the simple things in life
I have a million things to do at home (ok not a million… more like 20) but I was getting hungry and looking outside at the cold but sunny Fall day, I thought “Pho would be really good for lunch”. So I quickly rearranged my to-do list and got into my car and came to…
LYL Blog Challenge Day 4: What’s one thing you’re proud of?
Again, here are the leading questions that were attached to today’s challenge. By the way, I highly recommend taking this writing challenge yourself. It’s been a truly amazing experience so far! Think about something you’ve done and accomplished. It could be this year or 30 years ago. Ideally pick one of your most proud accomplishments…